One common health problem that most of us face over a lifetime is a broken bone. Kids fall off things, athletes of all ages break bones, and the elderly, especially those with osteoporosis (with loss of bone density), deal with bone fractures. What to do about them? Of course you should seek immediate medical help after any such event, including whatever the orthopedic surgeon … [Read More...]
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Anti Inflammatory Diet

Break something? (Like a Bone) – You Have Natural Options to Help You Heal
One common health problem that most of us face over a lifetime is a broken bone. Kids fall off things, athletes of all ages break bones, and the elderly, especially those with osteoporosis (with loss of bone density), deal with bone fractures. What to do about them? Of course you should seek immediate medical help […]
Anti Inflammatory Herbs

Curcumin – One of the Best Herbs for Inflammation
Curcumin is one of the best herbs for inflammation. What is curcumin? This anti inflammatory supplement is a phytochemical extracted from herbal turmeric root. Also known as the Curcuma Longa plant, which is a member of the ginger family. This plant grows in Southern Asia and in the Himalayas. Cucumin was used for thousands of […]
Inflammation Related Books & Supplements
Anti Inflammatory Supplements

Break something? (Like a Bone) – You Have Natural Options to Help You Heal
One common health problem that most of us face over a lifetime is a broken bone. Kids fall off things, athletes of all ages break bones, and the elderly, especially those with osteoporosis (with loss of bone density), deal with bone fractures. What to do about them? Of course you should seek immediate medical help […]

5 Natural Anti Inflammatory Supplements You Should Take
Unless you are blessed with the most remarkable genes and a lifelong supportive healthy environment, you probably can benefit from these 5 natural anti inflammatory supplements with anti inflammatory benefits. These can offset genetic vulnerabilities and environmental challenges (not just social and psychological, but also physical, chemical, and biological stressors) that can otherwise actualize disease […]

Ulcerative Colitis and Probiotics
Inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis have no known cures – but probiotics are fast becoming a natural remedy treatment option with a great deal of promise. Researchers have been studying probiotics, the “good” bacteria in the gut, for years. Could they help change the future for those suffering from IBD conditions like ulcerative colitis? […]